Queries to get you started with your Segment Warehouse

Segment Recipes

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How fast is your support team responding to customer support tickets?

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Wagonless? Get the app.

What are the most common tickets in a free trial, and how are those tags trending over time?

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Wagonless? Get the app.

What is the support load by subscription plan?

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Wagonless? Get the app.

What is the average revenue according to the first page viewed?

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Wagonless? Get the app.

How many users and pageviews are there each day?

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Wagonless? Get the app.

What types of types of tickets are your prospects sending to your success team?

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Wagonless? Get the app.

What blog content is viewed by successful closed deals?

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Wagonless? Get the app.

Calculate close rates for qualified deals over time

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